air bag driver, air bag passenger with single seat, Alternator-Uprated To 180A, Anti-lock brakes, centre rear seat belt, electric windows (front), Head Restraints, Immobiliser, in car entertainment (cd autochanger), mirrors - in sun visors for driver and passenger, on-board monitor, Outside temperature gauge, power-assisted steering, seats electric (front passenger), Single passenger seat, Speed limiter, Steel wheels, steering wheel mounted controls (audio), Storage-Hinged Lid For Stowage Compartment, telephone equipment (bluetooth interface), tinted glass factory fitted glazing, Trip Computer, upholstery cloth, Repair & Spares , Drives perfect , needs new battery. Ex private hire taxi driven, selling without warranty, non refundable, selling it due to high mileage. Only potential buyers please, NO TIME WASTER OR NEGOTIATOR,